
Showing posts from February, 2020

Does asking for help makes you feel weak?

Sometimes I feel like asking for help from people and making them conscious about the traumas  surrounding you makes them see you as weak, they see people who don't ask for help and people who are always smiling as strong. When someone has this mindset, it is humane for the person to stop asking others for help and try to face his demons alone, but truly that's the real weakness. You pretending you don't need help or someone to talk to is the real weakness and you might not notice it till it becomes too late. But it's also true that we are not to ask for help from everyone, not everyone cares enough for you to give you a solution that will be best for you, sometimes it's even best we talk to people we don't know, because there is a big difference between your friends and your friends who really care and are able to stand with you no matter what you're going through. I had alot of people that I could always  confide in and talk to, but I noticed that not a...

The Mercy Of God


Author Of Pain Quotes

Have you ever asked the question, why doesn’t prayer work? Why at times does it appear that God ignores us when we pray to Him. Many have prayed for God to intervene and solve a problem that they are struggling with, but sometimes God‘s apparent answer is silence. Even when we feel that God is not answering our prayers, you can always know God is a God of love. God created us and knows infinitely more than we know. He knows what is best for us, and what would not be good for us. If you have children, when they were very small, sometimes they asked for things that would not be good for them, or would harm them. For good reasons sometimes parents do not always give their children what they ask for, when they ask for it. Parents give them what is best for them. It is the same way in our prayers to God. God gives us what is best for us. We are God’s children and He gives us what is best for us, and at a time when it is best for us. Our lives must be right with God before He can answer o...


This piece is titled silence. “Silence is the most powerful and loudest form of screaming, but not all have the ability to hear it” – Author Of Pain. When you’re suffering, it’s natural to want to talk to someone about your problems. Everyone needs a listening ear sometimes. When you can’t find someone to talk to, it can be painful. Understandably, you would want to vent to a friend or loved one about what you’re experiencing. As much as others care, you are the one who ultimately has to handle your challenges. That might sound scary but think of it as an empowering statement. You have the tools to change your life for the better. That doesn’t mean you can’t ask for help and you can. How do you cope when you have problems? The natural instinct is to find someone to talk about your problems with, but that’s not always possible. If you could let loose about your issues who would tell? Naturally, you talk to friends and family. In addition to confiding in the people close to you, th...

Author Of Pain Quotes

It is normal in this life for good things and bad things to happen to everyone. But the actual truth is that, there is good in everything that happens to us, if only we search for it. This is a story of two kids, who were orphans, so they went to live with their grandfather who was an alcoholic. One of the kids following his grandfather’s steps, became a chronic alcohol addiction and the other became a successful businessman. When both were asked “why are you the way you are?” Their answers were the same “because my grandfather was an alcoholic”. The same event, the same childhood, two different outcomes. This is true for almost all situations. One decided to become an alcoholic because he’s grandfather was also an alcoholic. The other decided to work hard so as to provide food since his grandfather was an alcoholic and wouldn’t be able to cater for their needs. The same reason, but two different outcomes. what happens to us is an objective reality, how we respond is a subjective ...

Birthday Poems for your Ex

12 of February,  I can never forget this date, Even if I want to. Even though the memories of you I have left, Are memories that'll make me blue, I'm not one of those guys who sees his ex girlfriend as his enemy, I'm also not one of those guys who thinks about taking revenge. I'm just one of those guys, Who thinks it's ok to wish  His ex girlfriend a friendly Happy Birthday. Even though you are my ex, For you, I wish only happiness. I wish I could cuddle you on your birthday, with your hair I wish i could fondly play, I wish I could take your hand and place it in mine and celebrate your birthday with a bottle of wine.  I don’t know if you have a new boyfriend yet, But if you do, please tell him, he has no reason to fret for this birthday poem from me Is just a friendly way To forget the past and wish You a happy birthday. I hope that you get the best in life, I hope that you get all your desire and, ...

I Had An Epiphany

A lot of people think that what I'm doing is a gimmick. But the truth is that, everything you read and hear me writing, I've been living, it's all real. Poetry's always been a mirror for me. All I ever wanted was someone I know I could trust, someone that would keep it real with me, but the only person I got was poetry. That's when I discovered that maybe I'm the one that has to make it on my own. I had an Epiphany and that was when I realised that I could put all of my hurt into poetry and it will help those that feel the same way as i feel but can't express themselves. Poetry is like a therapy and a cure to all mind sickness(Depression, anxiety, loneliness....). I had an Epiphany, and I got to understand alot about this life, Even losses can be victories,only if you learn from your mistakes. I've always been filled with pains, but now I'm making some rooms, looking for change and I do that by staying Real. Whoever told you that life would be ea...