Does asking for help makes you feel weak?

Sometimes I feel like asking for help from people and making them conscious about the traumas  surrounding you makes them see you as weak, they see people who don't ask for help and people who are always smiling as strong. When someone has this mindset, it is humane for the person to stop asking others for help and try to face his demons alone, but truly that's the real weakness. You pretending you don't need help or someone to talk to is the real weakness and you might not notice it till it becomes too late. But it's also true that we are not to ask for help from everyone, not everyone cares enough for you to give you a solution that will be best for you, sometimes it's even best we talk to people we don't know, because there is a big difference between your friends and your friends who really care and are able to stand with you no matter what you're going through. I had alot of people that I could always  confide in and talk to, but I noticed that not all of them really cared. Some just saw me as someone who doesn't like to be happy, someone who loves pain, and they were not ready to stand by me, gone are the days when I fought for friendships, now I know those who care and those who doesn't. In other to stay strong, it is compulsory we ask for help from others, but know who you talk to. If you feel like none of your friends will be willing to listen to you,  then it's best you talk to others you don't know and there are lot of ways doing that. You can meet someone for the first and only time in your life, but the advice that person gives you, if followed will lead you to greater places through out your life. You can meet and talk to someone you don't know on social medias, you can create a form asking for help and share it, no one will know you created the questions in the form, but you get your answers at the end.
Having someone you can talk to at anytime, about your day, or anything about yourself without feeling like you are being clingy or boring is one of the greatest feelings ever.
                                   - AUTHOR OF PAIN



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